自詡「全身沒有很小的地方」美國共和黨總統參選人川普(Donald Trump),最近卻被一位藝術家全裸呈現,重點部位更是狠踩川普的痛腳。畫像雖然在美國遭禁,9日易地在英國倫敦展出,獲得熱烈迴響。創作者表示,她在美國接獲上千起川普支持者的死亡威脅。
加州洛杉磯藝術家郭爾(Illma Gore)畫了這幅作品,以川普的競選口號取名〈讓美國再度偉大〉(Make America Great Again)為名。畫像8日起在倫敦梅菲爾區(Mayfair)的麥達克斯畫廊( Maddox Gallery)展出,市值估約100萬英鎊(約新台幣4670萬元)。
郭爾今年24歲,有澳洲血統, 形容自己是「性別流動未來主義者」(Gender Fluid Futurist),從事表表演藝術與街頭藝術。談到自己的爭議作品,她說:「創作〈讓美國再度偉大〉的是為了強調我們身體的重要性。人們不應該為了陰莖大小或者陰道而垂頭喪氣,那與你的本質無關。」「女性墮胎應受罰!」川普離譜言行又一樁 挨轟後急撇清更多文章
A nude painting which is almost as controverisal as the person it depicts has gone on display in Mayfair today. The naked portrait of Donald Trump is called Make America Great Again. The artist who painted it has received death threats from supporters of the tycoon's presidential campaign and it's also been banned from Facebook. Rags Martel has been to see it to find out what the fuss is really all about.
由 ITV London 貼上了 2016年4月8日
The Bigger IssueDonald J. Trump Facebook, Twitter, and eBay have tried to censor this image banning me & those of you who have shared it. Sorry for getting a bunch of you banned for sharing the art.here is a youtube link to the video youtube.com/watch?v=mE0Go6Xzf4Q&feature=youtu.be
由 Illma Gore 貼上了 2016年3月12日