NBA》賈奈特陷離婚官司 前妻要求每個月621萬贍養費

2019-03-05 07:20

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退役球星賈奈特(Kevin Garnett)近期被八卦體育媒體《TMZ Sports》爆料,陷入和前妻布蘭迪(Brandi)的離婚官司,被布蘭迪要求每個月支付14.6萬美元的贍養費外,還要給兩個女兒4.6萬美元的孩子扶養費,每個月要老賈支付約20萬美元(約621萬台幣),因為有95%的時間都是由自己照顧。

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According to #TMZ, #KevinGarnett's divorce is not going to come cheap ... if his estranged wife gets what she feels she's due. ——————— According to new legal docs ... #BrandiGarnett is seeking $146,000 per month in spousal support, plus another $46k monthly in child support for their 2 daughters -- ages 10 and 6. Brandi says she has the girls 95 percent of the time. ——————— Do the math ... and that's more than $2.3 million per year. Brandi says that's fair, though, because she claims KG's still hauling in at least $5 mil a year ... on top of having earned more than $300 mil in his NBA career. ——————— Brandi's also asking for $300k in attorney fees immediately to cover the cost of the divorce proceedings so far and estimated future costs to hammer out an agreement. ——————— There's more -- according to the docs, Brandi's requesting an additional $25k to retain counsel in another financial matter involving Kevin allegedly getting swindled out of $77 MILLION. As we reported, KG claims his former accountant worked with a crooked wealth manager to steal a fortune from him over several years. ——————— Brandi filed for divorce from Kevin in July after 14 years of marriage, citing irreconcilable differences. ——————— #celebritydivorce #cheapertokeepher Follow: @twinteatime Via: @tmz_tv

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除此之外,布蘭迪還要求賈奈特立即支付30萬美元的律師費,包含截止至今的離婚訴訟還有未來的協議費用, 去年9月,賈奈特就控告會計師班克斯(Charles A. Banks),自己在當球員的時候,被詐騙將近7700萬美元,會計師明明什麼都沒做,收入卻總能進帳百萬美元。




