網球》丹麥前球后伍茲妮雅琪宣布澳網後退休 追尋網球以外的人生

2019-12-07 14:49

? 人氣

曾登女網世界排名第一的「丹麥甜心」瓦芝妮雅琪(Caroline Wozniacki)今天宣布,將在下月的澳洲網球公開賽後退休。(AP)

曾登女網世界排名第一的「丹麥甜心」瓦芝妮雅琪(Caroline Wozniacki)今天宣布,將在下月的澳洲網球公開賽後退休。(AP)

曾登女網世界排名第一的「丹麥甜心」伍茲妮雅琪(Caroline Wozniacki)今天宣布,將在下月的澳洲網球公開賽後退休。她生涯唯一的大滿貫賽金盃就是在澳網拿下。

透過<Google新聞> 追蹤風傳媒





伍茲妮雅琪今天表示,她退休與健康狀況無關,稱希望與丈夫大衛李(David Lee)更加享受場外生活。前職籃選手大衛李曾助金州勇士奪得2015年美國職籃NBA總冠軍,2017年宣布高掛球鞋。




伍茲妮雅琪2014年初曾宣布與北愛爾蘭高爾夫名將麥克羅伊(Rory McIlroy)訂婚,但幾個月後兩人驚傳分手,據報是麥克羅伊臨陣退縮,突然以一通電話告知取消婚事。

伍茲妮雅琪另外兩次挺進大滿貫賽決賽都是在美國公開賽,2009年美網冠軍戰敗給比利時名將克萊絲特絲(Kim Clijsters);2014年美網不敵好友、美國天后小威廉絲(Serena Williams)。

伍茲妮雅琪宣布將退休後,克萊絲特絲和小威都在她的IG貼文下方留言。克萊絲特絲讚揚她是很棒的冠軍好手,並祝她一切順利。小威貼出很多心碎圖,表示很不捨。法國女將柯爾妮(Alize Cornet)和美拉德諾維奇(Kristina Mladenovic)等許多球員都在推特上留言祝福。


I’ve played professionally since I was 15 years old. In that time I’ve experienced an amazing first chapter of my life. With 30 WTA singles titles, a world #1 ranking for 71 weeks, a WTA Finals victory, 3 Olympics, including carrying the flag for my native Denmark, and winning the 2018 Australian Open Grand slam championship, I’ve accomplished everything I could ever dream of on the court. I’ve always told myself, when the time comes, that there are things away from tennis that I want to do more, then it’s time to be done. In recent months, I’ve realized that there is a lot more in life that I’d like to accomplish off the court. Getting married to David was one of those goals and starting a family with him while continuing to travel the world and helping raise awareness about rheumatoid arthritis (project upcoming) are all passions of mine moving forward. So with that, today I am announcing that I will be retiring from professional tennis after the Australian Open in January. This has nothing to do with my health and this isn’t a goodbye, I look forward to sharing my exciting journey ahead with all of you! Finally, I want to thank with all my heart, the fans, my friends, my sponsors, my team, especially my father as my coach, my husband, and my family for decades of support! Without all of you I could have never have done this!

Caroline Wozniacki(@carowozniacki)分享的貼文 於 張貼

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