金州勇士球星杜蘭特(Kevin Durant)經常會在推特上回應網友批評,而這次,杜蘭特卻和波特蘭拓荒者後衛麥凱倫(CJ McCollum)槓上,在麥凱倫批評杜蘭特兩年前決定加盟勇士的抉擇是懦弱的行為後,杜蘭特也不客氣的在推特上回嗆「卑鄙小人」,兩人的紛爭也引起了網友的熱烈討論。
日前杜蘭特曾經以來賓的身分,受邀至麥凱倫主持的廣播節目,在節目中麥凱倫表達了兩年前杜蘭特加盟勇士,以及最近卡珍斯(DeMarcus Cousins)以1年530萬與勇士簽約的看法,麥凱倫對杜蘭特說:「我對你們加盟勇士感到很沮喪,我們已經很多次在第一輪就被勇士淘汰了,而你們加入勇士之後也讓我們更難奪冠了。」當時杜蘭特也開玩笑地說:「你知道你們不可能奪冠吧?」當時兩人對談的氣氛相當輕鬆愉快,也沒人料到雙方後來還會有更多爭執。(詳見文末影音)
I still think the b word is harsh and shouldn’t be used. . He know that decision was soft but I respect it. It’s like getting jumped with ur brothers by a gang you should’ve beat then joining the gang that jumped u and ur brothers 2 months later & forgetting about your bros https://t.co/BFGqQy1lwR
— CJ McCollum (@CJMcCollum) 2018年7月26日
So,I would get into a gang fight, lose, plot on my brother for 2 months in our home and then go get the gang we lost to and beat him up? U think that low of me CJ? I just did your fuckin podcast. Snakes in the grass boy I tell ya
— Kevin Durant (@KDTrey5) 2018年7月26日
而杜蘭特也隨後回嗆:「所以你覺得我很無恥嗎,CJ(麥凱倫名)?我才剛受邀到你的節目。你真的是一個會暗箭傷人的卑鄙小人(Snakes in the grass)。」NBA》看好詹姆斯加盟湖人 杜蘭特:很棒的決定更多文章
Kevin Durant straight up laughed at the Blazers getting swept and Boogie signing with Golden State to CJ McCollum on CJ’s own podcast.
— Kris Hanson (@KrisHansonRCF) 2018年7月25日