NBA》傷後首度發文 歐拉迪波:我會強勢回歸

2019-01-27 12:33

? 人氣

歐拉迪波傷後首度發文:我將強勢回歸。 (美聯社)

歐拉迪波傷後首度發文:我將強勢回歸。 (美聯社)

幾天前印第安那溜馬與多倫多暴龍的交手中,出現一個令溜馬球迷非常不樂見的場景,球隊主控歐拉迪波(Victor Oladipo)在一次防守時試圖去封阻對方,但自己卻提前落地傷到右膝,當下他倒地不起,隨後就被醫護人員用擔架抬出去,根據《ESPN》專欄作家沃納羅斯基(Adrian Wojnarowski)的消息指出,這次受傷確定會導致歐拉迪波本季報銷,不過,歐拉迪波似乎沒有被這點小挫折打倒,反而是在個人Instagram發文:「我會強勢回歸。」

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I can’t even lie the last few months have been really tough for not only me but for my family as well. You give it your all, literally your blood, sweat and tears to the game you love and things like this happen. No matter how much hard work and effort you put into perfecting your craft you cannot predict the challenges you’ll face ahead. But there is always that point in time where you wonder why it’s happening to you. You even wonder if there was something you could have done differently to prevent the outcome. The confusion, the contemplation, the anger, the sadness and the tears that flow frequently come, but they never last. The amount of support, love and prayers that I have received over the past few days have been breathtaking and has truly inspired me to come back even better than before. Thank you to everyone including all my teammates, pacer fans and staff. Thank you to all the NBA fans around the world and all my brothers around the league who texted, called, tweeted and posted me I am truly thankful. It’s going to be tough but tough times don’t last tough people do. It’s time for me to truly practice what I preach and trust my God in heaven and the plan he has for me. I will be back better than ever and if you question that well, thank you. Greater is he that is in me than he that is in the world! I am #UnBreakable.

Victor Oladipo(@vicoladipo)分享的貼文 於 張貼


歐拉迪波本季報銷後,溜馬在今天在客場面對曼菲斯灰熊,這也是溜馬缺少歐拉迪波之後的首場比賽,群龍無首的溜馬,雖然波格丹諾維奇(Bojan Bogdanovic)跳出來拿下21分,但這場比賽仍是與灰熊打得膠著,最後很可惜,溜馬以103-106敗給灰熊,也終止了近期的三連勝。(相關報導:NBA》不滿上場時間縮水 梅克高喊:交易我!更多文章



