推特破百萬追蹤!蔡英文拍片展現台灣防疫經驗:Taiwan Can Help

2020-04-17 23:10

? 人氣

慶祝推特突破百萬追蹤,總統蔡英文(見圖)發布影片展現台灣防疫經驗,並且向國際喊話「Taiwan Can Help」。(資料照,取自總統府官網)

慶祝推特突破百萬追蹤,總統蔡英文(見圖)發布影片展現台灣防疫經驗,並且向國際喊話「Taiwan Can Help」。(資料照,取自總統府官網)


透過<Google新聞> 追蹤風傳媒

該人士透露,尤其網紅阿滴和知名設計師聶永真等人從民間自發的《紐約時報》募資行動最受矚目,該團隊透過版面、文字設計展現台灣近期大力提倡的 「#TaiwanCanHelp」精神,不僅讓美國政要在Twitter轉發,也讓WHO不得不正面回應廣告的訴求,有效提昇台灣國際能見度。








此外,蔡英文在影片中使用的特製MIT陶杯也有亮點,上面印有「TAIWAN CAN HELP」字樣讓不少網友紛紛留言喊「台灣NO.1!」


Hi, as my Twitter reaches 1 million followers, this milestone comes at a unique and unprecedented time in history, when connectivity has a greater meaning. Social media helps me communicate with the people of Taiwan, but it also helps Taiwan connect with the world.
The global battle against COVID-19 has changed life as we know it. The world is full of uncertainty about what the future holds. But if this crisis has taught us anything, it is this: Together, we can be more than the sum of our parts.
The people of Taiwan have shown me this since day one. Our society has united and risen to meet this challenge in so many ways. Taiwanese medical teams are working day and night to ensure our citizens and friends abroad are better prepared to fight the coronavirus.
Private sector manufacturers have dedicated their resources and capabilities to form “Team Taiwan,” allowing us to dramatically increase production of critical supplies such as face masks and protective equipment.
At the same time, our government has received countless messages from citizens across Taiwan, asking how they can personally donate supplies and funds to those most in need in the international community.
Taiwan is determined to do our part to help end this pandemic by donating supplies, cooperating on research, and sharing our experiences. We know that we cannot afford to stand idle when the world is in need.
It has been my honor as president to witness Taiwanese people's selfless desire to give back to the international community time and again, despite political pressure.
Taiwan wants to engage with the world. And social media gives us a free, open platform to enter the global conversation.
Pandemics have no borders. But fortunately for us, social media transcends distance as well. Coming together and sharing our stories reminds us that we are not alone. We will get through this. And we will do it together.
I want to thank you all for supporting Taiwan, for sending us strength and encouragement from all corners of the world. And I hope that by sharing Taiwan’s experiences and successes through Twitter, I can also share with you hope for a brighter tomorrow.




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