Street artist Banksy has unveiled a new piece of artwork honoring health care workers that he's donated to a hospital. The artwork features a child playing with a nurse doll wearing a face mask and cape, while other superhero figures are in a wastebasket. https://t.co/qSi8yPcE1k
— CNN (@CNN) May 7, 2020
此幅新作名為「扭轉情勢的人」(Game Changer),畫裡唯一的顏色是護理師制服上的紅色十字,而蜘蛛人和蝙蝠俠公仔被男孩棄如敝屣,丟在一旁的字紙簍中。
"Thanks for all you're doing. I hope this brightens the place up a bit, even if its only black and white"
— BBC News (UK) (@BBCNews) May 7, 2020
Anonymous artist Banksy has highlighted healthcare workers as superheroes in a new painting gifted to Southampton General Hospital https://t.co/lj6XPG1k4d pic.twitter.com/aBrXhuIRDY