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MLB》連這也要管? 小熊佐布里斯特穿黑鞋遭警告

2018-05-13 11:48

? 人氣



芝加哥小熊佐布里斯特(Ben Zobrist)今(13)日,在社群平台(Instagram)公開抱怨,認為大聯盟對球鞋顏色的規定太過嚴格,近年他在小熊主場日的比賽中,都會穿全黑釘鞋,以此紀念「小熊先生」班克斯 (Ernie Banks)和「紅雀強打」穆希爾(Stan Musial),今年卻收到大聯盟官方的警告,也讓他氣得在社群平台發文,公開抨擊大聯盟。

透過<Google新聞> 追蹤風傳媒

為何穿黑色釘鞋就是致敬傳奇名將?對此佐布里斯特表示:「當我還是個小孩的時候,就受到這些傳奇球員的啟發,像是小熊的班克斯還有聖路易紅雀的穆希爾,他們當時的形象就是穿著黑色釘鞋。」 所以當佐布里斯特被聯盟警告時,也無奈的在Instagram表示:「親愛的大聯盟,我依然非常喜歡你們,但這件事情實在是太荒謬了,過去2年我在主場日都穿著黑色釘鞋,為了向這些傳奇致敬,現在卻跟我說再穿下去就要罰錢?」




Dear @mlb, I still like you but this is rediculous. For the last two years, I have worn black spikes exclusively at Wrigley Field for Day games to pay homage to the history of our great game, and now I am being told I will be fined and disciplined if I continue to wear them. When I was a kid, I was inspired by highlights of the greats such as Ernie Banks and Stan Musial in the 1950s-60s and was captured by the old uniforms and all black cleats with flaps. @newbalancebaseball made a kid’s dream come true by making some all black spikes with the special tongue as well as the “Benny the Jet” @pf_flyers cleats. I am curious as to why @mlb is spending time and money enforcing this now when they haven’t done it previously in the last year and beyond. I have heard nothing but compliments from fans that enjoy the “old school” look. Maybe there is some kid out there that will be inspired to look more into the history of the game by the “flexibility” that I prefer in the color of my shoes. Sincerely, Ben Zobrist

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