陳馮富珍稱蔣丙煌為「Minister」(部長),文中寫道, 「回顧聯合國大會2758號決議及世界衛生大會25.1號決議,依據其中所述敘的一中原則,我希望邀請您率領來自中華台北衛生福利部之訪團,以觀察員身分參與第69屆世界衛生大會。」 她並表示,希望在9日前收到回函。
Dr. Been-Huang Chiang Minister Ministry of Health and Welfare 10F. No. 488, Sec. 6, Zhongxiao E. Rd Nangang Dist., Taipei City 11558
6 May 2016
Dear Dr Chiang,
Recalling the United Nations General Assembly Resolution 2758 (XXVI) and WHA Resolution 25.1, and in line with the One-China principle as reflected therein, I wish to inviteyou to head a delegation from the Ministry of Health and Welfare, Chinese Taipei, to attend the Sixty-ninth World Health Assembly as an observer. The Assembly will be convened at 9:30 on Monday, 23 May 2016, at the Palais des Nations, Geneva, Switzerland and will close no later than Saturday, 28 May 2016.
I would appreciate it if you could confirm to me your attendance and the names of attendees from the Ministry of Health and Welfare, Chinese Taipei, at your earliest convenience. Registration should be completed by9 May 2016.
Upon receipt of your confirmation, the Secretariat will forward to you the relevant documentation.
Yours sincerely, Dr Margaret Chan Director-General
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