NBA》賈奈特下季將退休球衣 前教頭瑞佛斯:希望艾倫也能出席

2020-02-23 11:18

? 人氣



波士頓塞爾提克將在下個賽季正式退休名人堂球星賈奈特(Kevin Garnett)的5號球衣,但是當年與賈奈特同為塞爾提克三巨頭之一的「雷槍」艾倫(Ray Allen),至今仍因當年加盟邁阿密熱火的決定與賈奈特決裂,當年執教綠衫軍的教頭瑞佛斯(Doc Rivers)也在今日出面盼能化解兩人之間的矛盾,並說服艾倫出席賈奈特的球衣退休儀式。

透過<Google新聞> 追蹤風傳媒

2008年艾倫、賈奈特、皮爾斯(Paul Pierce)以及朗多(Rajon Rondo)一同為賽爾提克奪下隊史第17冠,但是在2011-12球季,艾倫因為角色定位與球隊鬧不合,最終在2012-13球季遠走邁阿密,當時不少塞爾提克球員將艾倫視為叛徒,甚至與他斷絕關係。瑞佛斯在今日受訪時對此表示:「我希望結局不是這樣,但事實證明就是如此,我認為這很荒謬,不過矛盾依舊存在於某些人的心中,但不是所有人都是如此。KG將在明年退休他的球衣,我希望每個人都能到場,我會做出正確的決定,但這並不代表所有事情都會步入正軌。」

艾倫與過去熱火時期的戰友一起在昨日慶祝了韋德(Dwyane Wade)的球衣退休,艾倫與塞爾提克球員之間的矛盾也再度浮上檯面,而一向以硬漢形象著稱的海斯倫(Udonis Haslem)也決定出面捍衛艾倫,並直言如果有塞爾提克的球員仍然對艾倫不滿,就可以衝著他來,「只要我們知道你是我們的一員,那我們就會給你滿滿的愛,他們對你有意見,那就是要跟我們過不去。我們老了,韋德退休了、波許(Chris Bosh)退休了,我們能做的就只有戰鬥而已,如果他們決定與我們為敵,那就來吧!」



What we did in 2008 was special! Not only by Boston standards but by professional sports standards. The truth is, without any one of us on that team we would’ve never been able to do the unthinkable. Going from last place in one year to winning a championship is unfathomable. But, we did it! WE did it- Paul Pierce, Kevin Garnett, Rajon Rondo, Tony Allen, P.J. Brown, Sam Cassell, Glen Davis, Eddie House, Kendrick Perkins, Scott Pollard, James Posey, Leon Powe, Gabe Pruitt, Brian Scalabrine, Doc, Danny, everyone at the Celtics Organization, our wives, children, families, the Fans in The City of Boston and yes, me. Over the last few years I have been berated, lambasted and had my name smeared. You may not want to hear this, but I will always be a Celtic. (Fact). I will always cherish the bonds that I shared with all of my teammates and the people in the city of Boston. (Truth). We all gave everything we had. We all won and we all raised the 2008 NBA Championship banner together. (Ubuntu) Paul Pierce is the first guy that welcomed Kevin and me with open arms into his atmosphere from day one and we never looked back. Paul and I have spoken about our time together as teammates- going to battle night after night knowing we could count on one another and we have also talked about my decision to leave during free agency- a choice I made for my family. Despite what you may have heard or read or what is rumored- there is nothing but love. Paul and I are more interested in building bridges than putting up walls. To Paul, number 34, Congratulations on having your number raised up to the rafters. I salute you for your commitment to the city of Boston and to us the 2008 NBA Champions #thetruth

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