國務院國際組織事務局(IO Bureau)在多則推文中表示,美國堅信台灣應該參與國際社會關於新冠肺炎疫情與其他公衛威脅的議題討論,而且2017年之前,北京當局並不反對台灣以觀察員身分加入世界衛生大會(WHA)。難道台灣2300萬民眾的健康,在2017年之後變得比較不重要?還是中國要懲罰台灣人以自由方式選出自己的領導人。
The U.S. believes firmly that #Taiwan belongs at the table when the world discusses #COVID19 and other threats to global health. Before 2017, Beijing didn't object to Taiwan joining the World Health Assembly as an Observer. What's changed? #TweetforTaiwan
— IO Bureau @ State (@State_IO) May 1, 2020
.@iingwen, the contrast with the #PRC is striking. China's response to the outbreak of #COVID19 has been to hide the facts, muzzle its scientists, and censor discussion. #Taiwan's response has been and continues to be a model for the world. #TweetforTaiwan #TaiwanModel
— IO Bureau @ State (@State_IO) May 1, 2020
Join us to #TweetforTaiwan's inclusion at the upcoming World Health Assembly so #Taiwan can bring its incredible expertise to the fight against #Covid19. The world needs Taiwan in this fight! Tell @WHO that it is time for Taiwan to be heard.
— IO Bureau @ State (@State_IO) May 1, 2020
在聯合國議題上,美國駐聯合國代表團(U.S. Mission to the UN)表示,聯合國是一個讓所有聲音發聲的地方,一個歡迎各種意見與觀點、倡導人類自由的地方。因此禁止台灣參與聯合國,不僅是對台灣人民的侮辱,也違背了聯合國的理念原則。
.@UN was founded to serve as a venue for all voices, a forum that welcomes a diversity of views & perspectives, & promotes human freedom. Barring #Taiwan from setting foot on UN grounds is an affront not just to the proud Taiwanese people, but to UN principles. #TweetForTaiwan
— U.S. Mission to the UN (@USUN) May 1, 2020