本次會議聯準會票委全員同意升息 3 碼,將政策利率調升至 3.75 ~ 4% 區間。而聲明稿延續 Q3 消費支出與生產端適度增長措辭,並重申將強力承諾(strongly committed)使通膨回落至 2% 目標不變,不過也新增了一個完整的段落,首次正式於聲明稿中傳遞會考量今年以來累積的緊縮政策對於經濟活動與通膨的滯後性影響,我們摘要如下:
本次聲明稿延續 Q3 消費支出與生產端(indicators of spending and production)適度增長(modest growth)措辭,並維持新增就業人數穩健(robust),失業率保持低位敘述。對通膨看法同樣不變,認為通膨壓力持續上行,反映由疫情、能源和食品價格上漲以及供需失衡帶來得更廣泛地價格壓力。
委員會預期,為了保持貨幣政策立場有足夠的限制性,讓通膨隨時間回落到 2%,持續的升息將是適當的。在確定升息速度時,委員會將考慮貨幣政策的累積緊縮、貨幣政策影響經濟活動和通膨的滯後性,以及經濟和金融市場的發展。
(新增原文:The Committee anticipates that ongoing increases in the target range will be appropriate in order to attain a stance of monetary policy that is sufficiently restrictive to return inflation to 2 percent over time. In determining the pace of future increases in the target range, the Committee will take into account the cumulative tightening of monetary policy, the lags with which monetary policy affects economic activity and inflation, and economic and financial developments. )