It’s astounding how often you fail to live up to minimum standards of decency, civility, & probity. Seems like you will never understand what it means to be president, nor what it takes to be a good, decent, & honest person. So disheartening, so dangerous for our Nation.
— John O. Brennan (@JohnBrennan) 2018年8月14日
總統有權審核 但從沒人獨斷決定
除了前述人士,中央情報局(CIA)前局長海登(Michael V. Hayden)、司法部前代理部長葉茨(Sally Q. Yates)也在川普考慮撤銷安全權限的名單內,就連現任的高級行政幕僚、前司法部助理副部長奧爾(Bruce Ohr)也被列入名單,川普曾抨擊奧爾與英國前情報員史提爾(Christopher Steele)往來,史提爾就是提供川普勾結俄羅斯資訊的幕後要角。
“This is supposed to be an impartial and objective assessment of security concerns. This is [Trump] taking a step that he most likely had the legal authority to take, but that no other [POTUS] has ever thought it proper or justified to do on his own.” — me
— Bradley P. Moss (@BradMossEsq) 2018年8月16日
對於川普為何不直接開除奧爾,而是撤銷他調閱檔案的安全權限,此舉只會導致奧爾辦公不便,桑德思對此則不予回應。熟悉安全權限法規的律師莫斯(Bradley P. Moss)表示:「審核安全權限的立場應該是無黨派、客觀,總統依法有權審核安全權限,但沒有其他總統認為由他們自行決定是適當、公正的行為,而這位總統(川普)卻這麼做了。」
In adding John Brennan to his enemies list, Trump demonstrates again how deeply insecure and vindictive he is — two character flaws dangerous in any President.
— Adam Schiff (@RepAdamSchiff) 2018年8月15日
An enemies list is ugly, undemocratic and un-American. I also believe this action to silence a critic is unlawful.
向川普提議撤銷布瑞南安全權限的人是共和黨籍的肯塔基州聯邦參議員保羅(Rand Paul),他對川普的決定表示歡迎,並發表聲明稱:「他(布瑞南)只享有極少部分的憲法保障,因為他在卸任後,利用他的權限欺瞞國會、立場冥頑不靈且有黨派之分。」民主黨籍的加州聯邦眾議員席夫(Adam B. Schiff)則推文寫道:「列出政敵名單是醜陋、不民主也不美國的行為,我也認為這種打壓批評的方式已經違法。」