微博傳言稱,阿波羅11號宇航員巴茲·奧爾德林(Buzz Aldrin)被問「爲什麼這麼長時間沒有人去月球」時,他曾回答:「因爲我們沒有去過那裡 ,事實就是這樣」。
原始影片07:10處,Zoey問:「爲何這麼長時間以來沒有人去月球?」(Why has nobody been to the moon in such a long time?)
奧爾德林的確回答了「我們沒有去那裏」。 在沒有上下文的情況下,只引用這一句確實會引起誤解。
但影片顯示, 奧爾德林接下來提到「我們需要知道爲什麼過去某件事會停止」,他當時所指的是美國自1972年登月以來,再沒有重返月球。
原文:Because we didn't go there. That's the way it happened. And if it didn't happen it's nice to know why it didn't happen so in the future if we want to keep doing something we need to know why something stopped in the past if we want to keep it going.
影片08:05處,奧爾德林繼續談論美國停止探月的原因其實是因爲經費,隨後,他還提到自己當時完成了總統交付的任務(原話:「So having achieved what the president wanted us to do...」),並且很開心全世界可以分享他所做到的事情(原話:「Not just us. But we, the world. They felt like they were part of what we were able to do. And that made us feel very good.」)。