當然,即便川普如同中國學者沈丁立所希望的,不再起用龐畢歐,但港媒《南華早報》也指出,川普的國安團隊恐怕還是會充斥對中鷹派:包括在「川普1.0」中擔任駐日大使(2017-2019)的海格提(Bill Hagerty)、在「川普1.0」擔任駐德大使(2018-2020)和國家情報代理總監(2020)的格瑞尼爾(Richard Grenell)、在「川普1.0」擔任國家安全顧問(2019-2021)歐布萊恩(Robert O’Brien)、以及經常公開力挺川普政策的共和黨眾議員瓦爾茲(Mike Waltz)。
歐布萊恩在2023年3月13日的全球安全論壇談到台積電,並且宣稱美國不會容許中國佔領台灣的晶片廠。他的原話是:「現在讓我們面對現實,那是不可能發生的。我的意思是,即使中國成功入侵台灣,美國及其盟友也絕不會讓這些工廠落入中國人手中」(Now let's face it, that's never going to happen. I mean the United States and its allies are never going to let those factories fall into Chinese hands even if there was a successful invasion of Taiwan)、「我是說你會看到當維琪法國(法蘭西國)向德國投降時,法國艦隊所遇到的類似情況。英國人不允許法國艦隊保持完整,以防它可能被交給德國,從而改變大西洋戰場上的權力平衡」(I mean you're looking at something similar to what happened with the French Fleet when when Vichy France surrendered to Germany. The Brits didn't allow the French Fleet to remain intact so that it could potentially gone to the Germans and change the balance of power in the battlefield of the Atlantic)、「那支艦隊被摧毀,據說邱吉爾走進下議院時,這位親法派淚流滿面,因為這是他在戰爭中所做出最艱難的決定之一,然而當他走進下議院時,他受到了全體議員的一致掌聲。因為他們明白這對英國的未來以及繼續與納粹德國戰鬥的能力有多麼重要。因此再一次,我認為目前面臨著非常相似的情況,即使他們以某種方式成功入侵,我不認為台積電的工廠、研究設施等等會落入中國人手中」(That fleet was destroyed and it was said that Churchill walked into the House of Commons he was a Francophile with tears streaming down his face because it was the hardest decision he made in the war and yet he was greeted by unanimous applause as he entered the House. Because they understood how important that was to the the future of Great Britain and the ability to continue the struggle against Nazi Germany. And again I think you have a very similar situation here I don't think TSMC factories, research facilities (you know) things of that nature fall into the Chinese hands even if they were somehow successful in the invasion)。