A: Son, when is your school’s sports meeting?
A:兒子,你們學校什麼時候運動會?B: I don’t know yet. I suppose it would be in October.
B:我還不知道。我猜應該會在十月。A: I see.
A:我了解了。B: Will you come?
B:你會來嗎?A: I’ll see if I have time.
(X) The teacher asked me to stand in the corner.
(O) The teacher gave me time-out.
to stand in the corner 直翻意思為「站在角落」,是「去角落罰站」的直翻方式,不過在英文中其實有更為貼切的說法,也就是 give sb. a time-out ,其中 time-out 為名詞,比較常見的意思是運動賽事中的「暫停」,在此整個片語意思是要學生「去某個地方一個人靜一靜、反省自己」,因此也可以衍伸為罰站,因為罰站的目的是要學生自我反省。
A: Why is there a student standing in the corridor?
A:怎麼有個學生站在走廊?B: He’s been naughty so his teacher gave him time-out.
B:他太調皮了,所以老師要他罰站。A: Oh, I remember back in my school days, I was the king of time-out.
A:噢,我還記得在我的學生時期,我簡直是罰站之王。B: So you must be the most naughty student in your class.
B:所以你一定是班上最調皮的學生。A: Yeah, I even have my own spot in the corridor.
看完這篇部落格是不是勾起了你的回憶呢?回憶可以留著,但中式英文的說法就不必囉!「我覺得不自在」講成 I don't feel free?六個讓外國人黑人問號的台式英文,趕快改過來!更多文章
本文經授權轉載自VoiceTube(原標題:「罰站」的英文怎麼說?【中式英文特輯】150 個你會講錯的英文日常用語–學校篇 (3))