鄧湘全觀點:從兆豐銀被裁罰美金1.8億元 看TRF風暴與金融紀律

2016-08-22 07:00

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兆豐國際商業銀行新聞稿指出,因2015年1~3月間美國紐約州金融服務署(New York State Department of Financial Services,以下簡稱DFS)對該行紐約分行進行一般業務檢查,於2016年2月檢查報告中指出該行於辦理匯款業務時,有應申報疑似洗錢交易而未申報之行為,有違美國防制洗錢相關法令規定。因此,該行於2016年8月19日與DFS達成協議,以解決有關該行紐約分行違反美國防制洗錢機制之事件。其次,還要委請由「DFS指定之法遵顧問」負責監督及協助改善紐約分行法令遵循功能。再其次,還要另聘由「DFS指定之專家」進駐紐約分行檢視過去三年之交易。再再其次,最重要的,還要「繳交美金壹億捌仟萬元之罰金。」如此「天價罰金、顧問監督、專家進駐」,是台灣人民難以想像的事,可就這麼發生了。

透過<Google新聞> 追蹤風傳媒

再依據DFS新聞稿的標題指出:”DFS FINES MEGA BANK $180 MILLION FOR VIOLATING ANTI-MONEY LAUNDERING LAWS”,其內文有一段是兆豐銀行新聞稿沒有提到的,可自行參考:「Violations of anti-money laundering requirements at Mega Bank were uncovered in a recent DFS examination, which found that the bank’s head office was indifferent toward risks associated with transactions involving Panama, recognized as a high-risk jurisdiction for money-laundering. Mega Bank has a branch in Panama City and another in Panama’s Colon Free Trade Zone.  DFS’s investigation identified a number of suspicious transactions running between Mega Bank’s New York and Panama Branches.  The investigation also determined that a substantial number of customer entities, which have or had accounts at several other Mega Bank branches, were apparently formed with the assistance of the Mossack Fonseca law firm in Panama.  Mossack Fonseca is one of the law firms at the center of the formation of shell company activity, possibly designed to skirt banking and tax laws worldwide, including U.S. laws designed to fight money laundering.」總之,相關涉及洗錢的問題,不可謂不大。前段時間Mossack Fonseca law firm的巴拿馬文件之事件,關於各國有權有勢的大咖咖利用避稅天堂的實際情況之相關文件曝光,鬧的沸沸揚揚,由DFS公開資訊看來,原來兆豐金紐約分行也與此一事件有所關連,被罰不是沒有原因。

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