大型群聚活動 白思豪:零容忍
「威廉斯堡(Williamsburg)當晚的情況令人完全無法接受:在疫情期間舉行大型喪禮」,白思豪(Bill de Blasio)29日推文直批,「當我聽到消息,自己到現場確認群眾被驅離,正值對抗疫情期間,我不會容許我所看到的情況」。他寫道:「我給猶太社區和其他社群的話很單純:示警期已過。我指示紐約市警局(NYPD)立刻傳喚、逮捕參加大型群聚活動的人。」
Something absolutely unacceptable happened in Williamsburg tonite: a large funeral gathering in the middle of this pandemic. When I heard, I went there myself to ensure the crowd was dispersed. And what I saw WILL NOT be tolerated so long as we are fighting the Coronavirus
— Mayor Bill de Blasio (@NYCMayor) April 29, 2020
My message to the Jewish community, and all communities, is this simple: the time for warnings has passed. I have instructed the NYPD to proceed immediately to summons or even arrest those who gather in large groups. This is about stopping this disease and saving lives. Period.
— Mayor Bill de Blasio (@NYCMayor) April 29, 2020
白思豪還說,已指示紐約市警局確立全市通用的一套標準,「零容忍」,並稱理解參加喪禮是為了悼念,「過去2個月已有許多人離世......大型群聚只會造成更多人感染死亡及悼念更多家庭,我們不容許發生這種事」。28日的喪禮是悼念感染武漢肺炎病逝的拉比(Rabbi)莫茨(Chaim Mertz),社區安全倡議執行董事希爾博(Mitchell Silber)稱,猶太教會堂原與警方合作,以落實維持社交距離。
We have lost so many these last two months + I understand the instinct to gather to mourn. But large gatherings will only lead to more deaths + more families in mourning. We will not allow this. I have instructed the NYPD to have one standard for this whole city: zero tolerance.
— Mayor Bill de Blasio (@NYCMayor) April 29, 2020
點名猶太社區 發言遭批歧視
不過白思豪的推文因點名「猶太社區」而引發批評,同為民主黨的美國聯邦眾議院道德委員會主席杜奇(Ted Deutch)稱,白思豪此舉「讓我們全體背脊發涼」,「市長先生,當你說『所有群體』時,猶太族群就有被包括在內了」。杜奇是猶太裔,他的祖父母是來自俄羅斯及白俄羅斯的猶太移民。共和黨的聯邦參議員克魯茲(Ted Cruz)則說,法律不應針對特定宗教信仰。
PHOTO of @NYCMayor @BilldeBlasio failing to social distance moments ago in Williamsburg where people failed to social distance at a funeral the same day that thousands of New Yorkers failed to distance for 45 minutes to watch a flyover. pic.twitter.com/yvxy1aR6Vg
— OJPAC (@OJPAC) April 29, 2020
「情緒太激動」 白思豪否認雙標
國際猶太非政府組織「反誹謗聯盟」(ADL)執行長格林布萊特(Jonathan Greenblatt)認為,白思豪的發言對紐約市超過100萬人口的猶太裔不公平,「少數不遵守社交距離的人是該被點名,但一竿子打翻一條船太可恥了」。由於28日上午有美國海軍藍天使特技飛行隊(Navy’s Blue Angels)表演,猶太教正統派公關委員會(OJPAC)大酸,數千名觀看45分鐘演出的紐約客也沒維持社交距離。