「一名男子今天早上帶著100萬敘利亞鎊在街上走來走去,試圖把錢換成土耳其里拉,但是沒有人要買。」因為戰亂而流離失所來到伊德利卜(Idlib)的艾伊斯(Muhammad Bahjat al-Eis)說:「許多人仍然還有敘利亞貨幣,不知道如何脫手,它的幣值眼看還會進一步崩跌。」
Local authorities in northwest Syria are replacing the plummeting Syrian pound with the Turkish lira to shield their opposition-held region from economic collapse, an official said https://t.co/qCuIGO1i8o
— AFP news agency (@AFP) June 15, 2020
獨立新聞媒體「中東之眼」(Middle East Eye)報導,儘管官方匯率1土耳其里拉兌換不到400敘利亞鎊,但黑巿已經來到550敘利亞鎊。
'People want the fall of the regime'
— Middle East Eye (@MiddleEastEye) June 16, 2020
Anti-government protests in Syria’s Swieda have continued for a second week.
The protests initially began against economic hardships caused by sanctions and a collapsing currency, but quickly grew into anti-Assad rallies. pic.twitter.com/Xc6ZC0rGZj
進入第10年的敘利亞內戰已經把國家掏空,加上對敘利亞政權和協助敘利亞政府的外國人加強制裁的美國「凱撒敘利亞平民保護法案」(Caesar Syria Civil Protection Act,又稱「凱撒法案」)今天生效,導致敘利亞鎊幣值崩盤。
被稱為「凱撒」(Caesar)的敘利亞警方攝影師於2011年至2013年間拍下超過5萬3000張照片,內容是6000具在敘利亞總統阿塞德(Bashar al-Assad)政權體系之下的監獄中遭到酷刑犯人的遺體。這些照片被稱「凱撒檔案」(Caesar Files)。
After a decade of funding and arming extremists to collapse the government in Syria (and failing), the US government is now enforcing some of the harshest sanctions measures ever imposed to crush and starve Syria’s economy and ensure no one can rebuild https://t.co/GiVSjoiEo9
— Rania Khalek (@RaniaKhalek) June 17, 2020
The US 'Caesar' sanctions on Syria came into effect yesterday, driving down the Syrian Pound (SYP).
— Rojava Information Center (@RojavaIC) June 17, 2020
Having reached 4000SYP to $1 and dropped back to 1900SYP/$1, today it reaches 2900SYP/$1.
Turkish-occupied regions are switching to the Turkish Lira, further damaging the SYP. pic.twitter.com/hYp2wwSv01
反對勢力掌控下的伊德利卜省上週爆發抗議,示威人士指控地方當局造成經濟崩盤,伊德利卜決策機構諮議會(Shura Council)因此決定儘快用土耳其里拉取代敘利亞鎊做為流通貨幣。