彼得斯菲爾德書店(Petersfield Bookshop)是一家獨立書店,位於英格蘭南部的漢普夏(Hampshire),專賣善本書、舊書與地圖,經營已有百年歷史。14日那天風雨如晦,客人少了許多,一整天下來,書店沒有賣出任何一本書。
13年資歷的店長桑孫(Robert Sansom)有點兒難過,於是上推特(Twitter)發了一則推感歎文,配上滿滿的書架與空蕩蕩的走道照片,期望愛書人就算不想出門,也可以上書店的網路商城支持一下。
— Petersfield Bookshop (@The_PBS) January 14, 2020
Not a single book sold today...
We think think this maybe the first time ever...
We know its miserable out but if you'd like to help us out please find our Abebooks offering below, all at 25% off at the moment.... pic.twitter.com/Cn5uhYWw88
這則淒風苦雨的推文觸動了英國科幻與奇幻小說家蓋曼(Neil Gaiman),隨即轉推,而且一推不可收拾。蓋曼在推特上有275萬個追隨者。
It's always the after talk conversation which shows how much people appreciate the speaker... thank you Dawn for captivating us with Grimm tales and other this evening. pic.twitter.com/V0c3j9PASE
— Petersfield Bookshop (@The_PBS) January 16, 2020
到17日,桑孫的推文已經被轉推近9000次、被1萬8000人按讚,書店也新增1100多位追隨者。英國廣播公司(BBC)、《衛報》(The Guardian)都做了報導。書店也辦了幾場店內活動,反應熱烈,門庭若市。
56歲的店主威斯特伍(John Westwood)不太用社群媒體,對這樣的效應只覺得神奇。他說「我熱愛出版業,但是亞馬遜(Amazon)之類的網路書店把我們打得好慘;我為了繼續經營這家書店,已經賣掉房子。」不過威斯特伍對未來還是保持樂觀,相信業務會蒸蒸日上。
Can we just say thank you @neilhimself this is not the day we thought we were going to have but it's been the best. People are kind and that's something to never forget
— Petersfield Bookshop (@The_PBS) January 15, 2020
This is a small portion of the orders we received overnight and today as a result of the Gaiman bump pic.twitter.com/9qxDx7Ct58