I am focused on the task ahead. This job is about advising the President on how to rebuild and revive our economy. The planning for a fairer economy, grounded in facts and evidence, begins now.
— Cecilia Rouse (@CeciliaERouse) November 30, 2020
I’m proud to be nominated as Chair of the Council of Economic Advisers.
財政部副部長被提名人──艾迪耶摩(Adewale “Wally” Adeyemo)
艾迪耶摩現年39歲,出生於西非奈及利亞,成長於加州洛杉磯(Los Angeles),耶魯法學院法律博士,曾擔任歐巴馬的副國家安全顧問,負責國際經濟事務,主導《跨太平洋夥伴協定》(Trans-Pacific Partnership,TPP)談判工作,籌組消費者金融保護局(Consumer Financial Protection Bureau,CFPB),因此與民主黨內的進步派(左派)也有連結。
Public service is about offering hope through the dark times and making sure that our economy works not just for the wealthy, but for the hard-working people who make it run.
— Wally Adeyemo (@wallyadeyemo) November 30, 2020
As Deputy Treasury Secretary, I look forward to helping us build back our economy better.
CEA委員被提名人──伯恩斯坦(Jared Bernstein)
伯恩斯坦現年65歲,哥倫比亞大學(Columbia University)博士,專攻社會福利、中產階級、收入不公平、低薪勞工、貧窮等議題,屬於民主黨進步派,曾在拜登任職副總統時擔任他的首席經濟顧問,深入參與2009年歐巴馬政府8000億美元經濟紓困方案的制定工作,近來力主聯邦政府擴大開支來對抗新冠疫情、振興經濟,並且改善黑人特別嚴重的失業狀況。
CEA委員被提名人──鮑詩依(Heather Boushey)
鮑詩依現年50歲,著名自由派學府紐約新學院(The New School)經濟學博士,2013年創立「華盛頓公平成長中心」(Washington Center for Equitable Growth),曾為希拉蕊的總統選戰團隊效力。鮑詩依近來主張新冠疫情紓困方案應該與失業率等因素掛鉤,擺脫國會掣肘。她也警告,長期的不公平問題會拖累經濟復甦。
My life's work has been centered on ensuring our families and work are properly valued within our economy.
— Heather Boushey (@HBoushey) November 30, 2020
I’m excited to bring that perspective as a CEA member. We have an opportunity to rethink how we invest in people, and we need to seize it as we rebuild our economy.
以上5人之外,白宮國家經濟委員會(National Economic Council,NEC)主席人選尚未確定,前歐巴馬高階顧問、貝萊德(BlackRock)投資管理公司高階主管迪斯(Brian Deese)以及Fed前副主席、美國教師退休基金會(TIAA)執行長佛格森(Roger Ferguson)都有希望,但曾經任職OMB與NEC的迪斯更被看好。