Alexa自顧自念殯儀館名單 用戶嚇破膽
@amazonecho alone in the dark kitchen, with no trigger, a sudden creepy laugh emerges and freaks out owners #justwrong. Replay: pic.twitter.com/vR684u8mbN
— anne (@anniebonannieTN) 2018年2月21日
So Alexa decided to laugh randomly while I was in the kitchen. Freaked @SnootyJuicer and I out. I thought a kid was laughing behind me. pic.twitter.com/6dblzkiQHp
— CaptHandlebar (@CaptHandlebar) 2018年2月23日
so my mom & I are just sitting in the living room, neither of us said a word & our Alexa lit up and laughed for no reason. she didn’t even say anything, just laughed.
— taylor wade (@taylorkatelynne) 2018年3月5日
we unplugged her.
I live alone and have lights controlled by Amazon Echo. Tonight, while sleeping, i closed my eyes and said “Alexa, lamp off.”
— Vedant Naik (@vedantNAIK) 2018年3月4日
I heard a woman laugh, and lights were still on.
Now, I know that stupid device heard “laugh” instead of “lamp off”, but I can’t sleep anymore..... #fml
Replying bc THIS creepy thing happened last night: we got home and, totally unprompted, our Amazon Echo/Alexa started talking. And then i realized it was listing off local cemeteries and funeral homes??? I'd rather it laugh at me tbh
— Kamo Boomin (@HeyItsKamo) 2018年3月7日
亞馬遜發出聲明表示,這幾起事件是由於Alexa將用戶的日常對話誤聽為「Alexa,笑!」(Alexa,laugh!)的指令,已透過軟體更新關閉這個指令,日後當用戶說出「Alexa,你會笑嗎?」(Alexa, can you laugh?)的句子,Alexa回答「當然」之後,才會發出笑聲。雖然亞馬遜聲稱已解決此問題,希望提供用戶更良好的互動體驗,這個「幻聽誤觸」理論對於在夜半時分獨自在家,突然聽見Alexa笑聲的使用者來說,顯然不夠有說服力,想要享受智慧家居生活,還得有顆大心臟才行。
Lying in bed about to fall asleep when Alexa on my Amazon Echo Dot lets out a very loud and creepy laugh... there’s a good chance I get murdered tonight.
— Gavin Hightower (@GavinHightower) 2018年2月26日
Hearing @amazonecho laugh late at night when I didn't expect it, is the most momentarily frightening thing I have experienced.
— Mike (@Nouders) 2018年2月28日
Alexa是亞馬遜(Amazon)公司推出的聲控語音助理,只要搭載Echo智慧音響設備,說出「Alexa」的指令,就能啟動軟體開始工作。除了放音樂、遠端調控智慧家電的溫度、開關等功能外,只要用藍芽連上手機,使用者連手指都不需要動一根,就可以叫車、訂披薩,內建的Wi-Fi 功能,更讓Alexa可以幫忙查看行程或天氣,只要張嘴呼喚Alexa,就能全方位滿足生活所需。
可擴充高達10000種的多元功能,加上50美元(約合新台幣1500元)起跳的親民售價,更讓Echo 成為目前最暢銷的智慧音響。但Alexa現在還「聽不懂中文」,亞馬遜官網也尚未開放台灣消費者購買,若想搶先體驗只能透過代購管道獲得。