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2018-05-10 16:47

? 人氣



從小每次換班級時,總是很緊張地想該怎麼介紹自己。要當班上耍寶的還是比較文靜的? 要多笑一點好還是酷一點好?要等別人來打招呼還是要自己主動去認識人?要自己提供綽號給大家還是讓他們自由發揮?即使三十出頭了,每次認識新人之前還是會忍不住的東想西想,又怕嚇跑對方,又怕不夠熱情。但還好現在有我的動物朋友們了。可以比較狡猾的讓他們們出來打頭陣,希望可以藉由我的動物世界先彼此熟悉認識。

透過<Google新聞> 追蹤風傳媒

很高興有這個機會,讓我的想像世界在這邊與大家見面。我是胖鼠!這些動物都是我的朋友們,除了大家所熟悉的動物們- 小豬、公雞、浣熊、松鼠以外,還有南美洲常見的羊駝跟很靈活的變色龍。拿著探照燈的是兩隻怪物,一橘一綠,常常會好心腸的想要幫助動物們。筆下的故事大多是被日常生活的互動所啟發的。畫這些畫讓我很開心,每次打開畫本就進入了另一個世界,讓我不知不覺就放緩生活的步調,也更加細心的留意生活周遭。希望這個感覺也能夠散播給你,能帶給你幾分鐘的放慢腳步遠離現實。

Growing up, I always dreaded the first day of school, I can lose sleep days ahead thinking about not how the teachers will be like, but whether I’ll be able to make friends in a new environment. The first day seemed like setting the stage to me. It offers a fresh start but could also lead to disasters. Should I be known as an outgoing person or a cool one instead? Should I smile more or act aloof? Should I go introduce myself or wait for people to approach me? Should I let my classmates come up with a nickname or supply one I like? Even in my thirties now, I still get anxious when meeting new people, afraid I might come on too strong or not friendly enough. It’s such a blessing that I created all these animals, I get to reach people and let people know a bit about me through them before actually meeting properly.

本篇文章共 1 人贊助,累積贊助金額 $ 45




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