以色列與聯合國近東救濟工程處將終止合作 以駐台辦事處:持續提供巴勒斯坦人國際援助

2024-11-16 16:20

? 人氣

Would you find it conceivable that an entire UN agency was created to perpetuate a conflict rather than solve it? Would it sound reasonable to you that a UN agency would knowingly pay salaries to terrorists? Would you agree to donate money to an organization whose teachers educate to kill and abduct people and whose employees are recorded abducting innocent people? Does it sound reasonable that the intelligence branch of a terrorist organization is embedded under a UN facility that feeds it with electricity and communications?  That terrorists use UN institutions like schools and hospitals? That terrorists steal humanitarian assistance and use it to extort and control the population?

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The answer to these questions is pretty clear to any reasonable person. However, believe it or not, this is the reality with an organization called the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA). 700 thousand Arabs who had to flee following the attempt of seven Arab armies to destroy the newly established Israel in 1948 received a completely different treatment. UNRWA was formed to perpetuate their status as “refugees” and never allow them to normalize their lives.




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