1. 表示「更」的Even
2. 表示「甚至還包括」的Even
3. 表示「雖然⋯⋯可是」的Even though
4. 表示「就算」的Even if
一、表示「更」的Even:Even better!/Even more carefully
1. 單音節和-y詞尾的雙音節單字用-er,像tall→taller、happy→happier
2. 部分多音節詞用more+原級形式,像successful→more successful
3. 不規則形式,像good、well→better、bad→worse
單音節、-y詞尾的雙音節形容詞/副詞 | 單音節、-y詞尾的雙音節形容詞/副詞 | |
原級/positive | old, fast |
recent, recently |
比較級/comparative |
older, faster |
more recent, more recently |
加強式比較級/intensifying comparative | even older, even faster | even more recent, even more recently |
最高級/superlative |
the oldest, the fastest |
the most recent, the most recently |
不規則形容詞/副詞 | 否定式形容詞/副詞 | 中文肯定/否式定比較級 | |
原級/positive |
good, well | not fair/not fairly | 好/不好 |
比較級/comparative |
better | less fair/less fairly | 比較好/比較不好 |
加強式比較級/intensifying comparative |
even better |
even less fair/even less fairly |
更好/更不好 |
最高級/superlative | the best |
the least fair/ the least fairly |
最好/最不好 |
· She can sing, dance and even direct.(even+動詞)/唱歌、跳舞,甚至導演,她都會。
· Not even the doctor could explain it.(even+名詞)/這個現象,連醫生都無法解釋。或:這個現象,甚至醫生都無法解釋。
· I even don't know your name!
· She even didn't have time to brush her teeth this morning.
· They even wouldn't help us carry the groceries.
當even句裡有助動詞時,尤其是當有否定式情態助動詞像:can't、won't、wouldn't、may not、might not、shouldn't等等,記得要把even放在助動詞之後,主動詞之前。
· I don't even know your name!/我甚至(都)不知道你叫什麼名字!或:連你叫什麼名字,我都不知道。
· She didn't even have time to brush her teeth this morning./她早上連刷牙的時間都沒有。
· They wouldn't even help us carry the groceries./他們連幫我們提菜都不願意。
· How can you even walk in those shoes?!/穿這樣的鞋子,你到底怎麼走路啊?!
三、表示「雖然⋯⋯可是」的Even though
Even though的用法跟中文的「雖然⋯⋯可是」非常類似,所以理論上對於華語母語者應該不會構成問題的,只是要注意,英語even though跟though一樣,不可以和but並用,要二選一,例如:
· Even though the test was pretty easy, he still made several careless mistakes.
· Though the test was pretty easy, he still made several careless mistakes.
· The test was pretty easy, but he still made several careless mistakes.
· Even though the test was pretty easy, but he still made several careless mistakes.
· Though the test was pretty easy, but he still made several careless mistakes.
· Even the test was pretty easy, but he still made several careless mistakes.
· Even the test was pretty easy, he still made several careless mistakes.
這兩句完全錯誤。切記:單獨的「even」沒有「雖然⋯⋯可是」的意思。要用「though」或「even though」才對。
四、表示「就算」的Even if
還有一個常見問題是在even though和even if的區別上。Even if有一個很清楚的中文翻譯,「即使」。
有的學生曾告訴筆者,以前的老師跟他們講,「even though」和「even if」意思「一樣」或「差不多」。更誇張的是,也有人說過,中文的「雖然」和「即使」不都差不多嗎?先聲明:不管是英文的「even though」和「even if」,或中文的「雖然」和「即使」,兩者是100%絕對不同的。
差別在哪裡呢?最重要的差別是,「even though」跟「雖然」指的是既定的、大家公認的事實;而「even if」跟「即使」卻用來引導虛擬語氣、假定句子、或不見得真實的情況。
中文有很多「即使」的同義詞,包括「就算」、「就是」、「儘管」、「縱使」、「即便」、「即令」等等,通通都等於英文的even if,也都跟even though/「雖然」完全不同,兩者不要搞混。
最重要最重要的一點留到最後:「even though」和「even if」都不可以用單獨的even來代替,這點務必要好好放在心上。這錯誤的用法甚至已經滲入了日常中英夾雜的對話中,自己多留意正確用法之餘,需要時還可以順便提醒一下朋友,也可以考慮把本文傳給他們參考一下。
以下有幾個正確使用even if的例句:
People can still go to college, even if they're not rich.
就算(即使)不是很有錢,一般人還是可以讀 大學。They always give you a bag, even if it's not necessary.
就算沒有必要,他們還總是提供袋子給客人。Even if you have insurance, you'll still have to pay a lot yourself.
就算你有保險,你還是得自己出不少錢。Even if you have perfect vision, you should still have your eyes checked regularly.
1. I miss you even you don't miss me.
2. They said I need to pay even I do not live there. (Chinese)
3. Even you don't believe it, you need to respect it. (Thai)
4. So you'll be fine even you don't have a clue about Overwatch or gaming. (Korean)
5. How to pay off debt fast – even you don’ t have the money. (Middle Eastern)
6. How to pretend like a real bartender behind the bar even you don't have any bartending experience.(Spanish)
1. I miss you even if you don't miss me./即使你不想我,我還是想你。(不知道對方到底想不想她)或I miss you even though you don't miss me./你雖然不想我,可是我還是很想你。(確知對方並沒有在想她)
2. They said I need to pay even though I don't live there./他們說,雖然我已經不住在那裡了,我還是得繳錢。
3. Even if you don't believe it, you need to respect it./即使你不相信,你還是得遵守。
4. So you'll be fine even if you don't have a clue about Overwatch or gaming./所以,即使你不懂《鬥陣特攻》或電玩,你還是不會有問題的。
5. How to pay off debt fast - even if you don't have the money./你就算沒錢,還是可以很快還清債務。
6. How to mix drinks like a real bartender even if you don't have any bartending experience./你就算完全沒有調酒經驗,還是可以像資深酒保一樣調製可口的雞尾酒。
本文、圖經授權轉載自世界公民文化中心(原標題:Even的四種用法:「even if」和「even though」意思一樣嗎?)