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2018-05-13 07:00

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透過<Google新聞> 追蹤風傳媒

這家咖啡廳除了這項別具意義的活動,還有個讓人難忘的店名-「垃圾咖啡廳」(The Rubbish Cafe)。店內的餐點全是健康蔬食,是和英國知名的剩食運動推動者,環保廚師 Tom Hunt 合作所推出的「零浪費菜單」(zero-waste menu)。顧名思義,餐點中將會把食材的耗費降到最低,使用因「奇貌不揚」而滯銷的水果,以及新鮮的當季蔬菜。


What a dream team down at the @Ecover_UK #RubbishCafe! We've served about 1000 bowls of goodness, all in exchange for good will. If you are in Covent Garden today make sure you pop in to buy some of our delicious food with your rubbish! Bring a piece of plastic to recycle and we will exchange it for an #Organic and delicious meal. #RECYCLING! #ZeroWaste #LetsLiveClean #TheRubbishCafe #gettheglow #Ad #lovetheplanet #endplasticpollution #recyclemore #bethechange #environment #everydayplastic #foodwaste #marinelitter #marinepollution #packaging #plastic #plasticfree #plasticfreesupermarket #plastichome #plasticpackaging #plasticpollution #plasticproblem #supermarket #zerowaste #rubbishcafe #plasticfreeliving #plasticfreelondon

T O M H U N T(@tomsfeast)分享的貼文 於 張貼


ECOVER POP UP I’’M INVOLVED WITH #ZEROWASTE #letsliveclean #londonpop #ecover #rubbishcafe

C L A I R E H O D G S O N(@chef_hodge_podge)分享的貼文 於 張貼

其實這是比利時一家環保清潔用品公司 Ecover 所推出的快閃店活動,品牌成立至今已有 39 年。因為創辦人有感於清潔用品中的有毒成分對於生態環境的迫害,因此研發出了世界第一款無磷洗衣粉,以及各種全天然、可生物分解的環保清潔用品,至今品牌已推出 30 多種系列產品,銷售全球超過 40 多國。

為了提高人們對環保的重視,Ecover 也曾推出其他的「減塑」活動,像是2017年推出一款限量版洗潔瓶,是以 50% 的海洋塑膠汙染物所製成。Ecover 認為,身為一家製造商企業,必須承擔更多的社會責任,並且鼓勵大家重新思考對於塑膠回收、再生使用等議題。


04.05and I ventured out to discover @ecover_uk #rubbishcafe for a tasty #organic meal.The #zerowaste menu was cleverly designed and created by @tomsfeast and @chef_hodge_podge and the pretty decor was inspired by @maxreestore. It was such a pleasure to engageto #bethechange and #lovetheplanet by encouraging her to understand the importance to #recyclemore by trading a used H20 bottle for her meal.enjoyed taking part in such an inspiring cafe concept and was also thrilled that we were given the opportunity to take home the ”blue” and “purple” @ecover_uk bottles because mummy is boring and only ever buys the “green” and “pink” ones.also really took on board the information and has since turned her @one.difference H20bottle into a flower vase for her bedroom as well as research what plastic packaging number our local council will recycle up to. Her feedback was for @ecover_uk to next time secure a bigger pop up store to enable quicker queuingand also to have longer opening hours so that she could bring her friends along On this occasion she was by chance fortunate enough to be able to participate due to having an early appointment elsewhere but would have otherwise finished school too late to get here before cob. Thank you to everyone involved for bringing such an amazing idea to life.It’s so important to have #mindful and #conscious awareness of the role we play in reducing the damage that one use plastics and unbiodegradable waste has on our planet. @ecover_uk #LETSLIVECLEAN campaign is highly commendable by pledging to use100%recycled plastic in their bottles by2020.This was a lovely mummy/detour for us and what a nice start to the long weekend #thenotsoloneparent #parenting #singleparent #singlemum #singledad #thingstodoinlondon #upcycle #recycle #integrity #ecofriendly #organicfood #saveourplanet #organicbeauty #makingmemories #humanity #RIKids #ImWearingRI #sharewithnext #mermazingsummer

The(Not So)LoneParent(@the_not_so_lone_parent)分享的貼文 於 張貼




文/ Yvonne H


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