— Yorkshire Museum (@YorkshireMuseum) June 26, 2020
Today’s theme is #BestMuseumBum!
This cracking Roman marble statuette depicts an athlete at the peak of fitness! It may have decorated the town house of one of Eboracum’s wealthier residents. Has someone taken a bite out of this ?
BEAT THAT! pic.twitter.com/N3A6KYz339
今年4月起,英國約克郡博物館(Yorkshire Museum)發起「策展人之戰」(#CuratorBattle),第一輪是要求世界各博物館分享最讓人毛骨悚然的館藏,之後又陸續向各博物館發出不同主題的戰帖,例如「奇妙的贗品」與「神秘物品」等。約克郡博物館發言人表示,「策展人之戰」讓全球各博物館有機會在特定主題的情況下,分享館藏品,這也就像成為「全球線上展覽」。
"You can look but you can't touch it
— Museum of Oxford (@MuseumofOxford) June 26, 2020
If you touch it
I'm a start some drama."
This sentiment was sadly ignored in the case of this figure.
You see the shiny, flattened ?
That's because people couldn't resist touching her hump (hump). #BestMuseumBum #CURATORBATTLE pic.twitter.com/7Pb0hZJRZI
6月的主題「博物館最佳屁屁」(#BestMuseumBum)引起世界各地博物館「參戰」,英國皇家兵械庫博物館(Royal Armouries)就在推特貼出英王亨利八世(Henry VIII)盔甲的背面照,並指出他的臀部在20年間增大了近20英寸(約50.8公分)。
Curators around the world are sharing their #BestMuseumBum for #CuratorBattle. We offer up a satirical bum: this anti-Hitler Pin Cushion from the United States allows you to stick pins into the Fuhrer’s behind. Proceeds for the sale of the pin cushions went to the US war effort. pic.twitter.com/NTuTPxEFJr
— FreedomMuseumNL (@Never1Story) July 14, 2020
How about these bums of SUMO wrestlers in our collections? These bums were painted by Hokusai!! #CURATORBATTLE #BestMuseumBum #おうちで浮世絵 pic.twitter.com/DH4rAyQ8Xs
— 太田記念美術館 Ota Memorial Museum of Art (@ukiyoeota) June 26, 2020
日本太田紀念美術館(Ota Memorial Museum of Art)上傳是江戶時代浮世繪師葛飾北齋畫的相撲臀部照,荷蘭國家解放博物館(Freedom Museum)則上傳「反希特勒的針插,英國牛津博物館(Museum of Oxford)也不落人後,分享了一尊雕塑的「閃亮扁屁」照,遊客經常觸摸該雕塑的臀部,導致該部位特別光亮。