埃及古物部長阿納尼(Khaled El-Enany)在記者會上表示,這批棺木的歷史可追溯至2500年前左右,當時埃及正處於後王國(Late Period,西元前664年–332年)與托勒密王朝(Ptolemaic Dynasty,西元前320年–30年)時期,保存狀態可用「完美」形容,代表其當年可能是最富有階級的長眠之處。
These mummies are being exposed to the open air for the first time in 2,500 years.
— SkyNews (@SkyNews) November 14, 2020
Egyptian officials announced the discovery of at least 100 ancient coffins, some containing mummies buried over 2,500 years ago https://t.co/6z72Cej4aq pic.twitter.com/IAs2GUCwYP
撒卡拉(Saqqara)位於開羅以南約30公里,是古埃及王國首都孟菲斯(Memphis)的大型墓地,著名的吉薩金字塔群(The Pyramids of Giza)、杜塞爾(Djoser)階梯金字塔皆坐落於此,孟菲斯遺址則在1970年被聯合國教科文組織(UNESCO)列為世界遺產。
知名埃及考古學家哈瓦斯(Zahi Hawass)向《今日埃及》(Egypt Today)雜誌表示,本次出土發現的重要貢獻在於,其證實了撒卡拉為埃及第二十六王朝(26th Dynasty)的主要墓葬處,也將使關於該時期木乃伊製造技術的知識更加豐富。
In Photos: Egypt announces the biggest archaeological discovery in 2020 at Saqqara Necropolis: https://t.co/ABNoE5vMDW pic.twitter.com/I3FKgwDsGB
— Talking Pyramids (@Bennu) November 15, 2020
"We announced today the discovery of 100 colored sealed coffins from the Ptolemaic era... The coffins were discovered in Saqqara necropolis of Giza," Egyptian Tourism and Antiquities Minister Khaled al-Anany told Xinhua on the site of the discovery. https://t.co/xPWK23AbRV pic.twitter.com/nlRReu1e0b
— Talking Pyramids(@Bennu) November 15, 2020
本次出土的棺木群和文物未來將於埃及3家博物館展出,現正興建中、預計將在明年開幕的大埃及博物館(Grand Egyptian Museum)也包括在內,吸引觀光客在後疫情時代回流的決心不言可喻。
Archaeologists in Egypt have unearthed more than 100 delicately painted wooden coffins, some with mummies inside, and 40 funeral statues in the ancient burial ground of Saqqara. https://t.co/r6zQ8jN0yn pic.twitter.com/VvvgmVBjsh
— The New York Times (@nytimes) November 16, 2020