作為一個節日傳統與例行公關活動,拜登偕夫人平安夜在北美防空司令部追蹤聖誕老人現場,接聽民眾來電,一位來自奥勒岡州的民眾,Jared Schmeck,在電話最後說「Merry Christmas and Let's go Brandon. 」
「Let's go Brandon」這個最近在美國火紅的口號是「F***拜登」的變形,來龍去脈網路稍微搜尋一下就有,這裡不多贅述。查找資料與閱讀的過程發現,目前正發生在美國境内,越來越強烈的敵視與分裂,令人驚訝。
Spotify搜尋一下,Let's go Brandon的playlist裡洋洋灑灑一串歌曲,全部都有鮮明且強烈的政治立場,除此之外,還有許多一刀切的敵我劃分:不搭乘西南航空、不戴口罩、不打疫苗、自由至上、美國至上等等等。
這是美國華盛頓特區巡迥法院資深法官Laurence Silberman,於2021年審理案件時所發表的不同意見書,對於「主流新聞產業針對共和黨的偏見」所表達的批判。報導原文摘錄如下:
"The orientation of these three papers is followed by The Associated Press and most large papers across the country(such as the Los Angeles Times, Miami Herald, and Boston Globe)," he continued. "Nearly all television-network and cable——is a Democratic Party trumpet. Even the government-supported National Public Radio follows along.
He added that Silicon Valley "also has an enormous influence over the distribution of news" and said "it similarly filters news delivery in ways favorable to the Democratic Party." He wrote that other outlets, including Fox News, The New York Post and The Wall Street Journal's editorial page, serve as "notable exceptions to Democratic Party ideological control.”