但要怎麼跟外國朋友介紹呢?看看 Annie 怎麼說吧!
Annie 去交換認識的朋友 Linda 來到台灣找她玩,身為饕客的 Linda 想要趁機試試台灣的小吃,所以 Annie 就決定帶 Linda 去夜市吃個夠!
Linda: So, what are the must-try snacks in the night market?
Linda:那有哪些是夜市必嚐的小吃呢?Annie: I personally recommend scallion pancakes. It's flatbread mixed with scallions, and it tastes like a savory croissant. You can add eggs, basil leaves, ham, and so on.
Annie:我個人推薦蔥油餅,它是加了蔥的薄餅,吃起來像是鹹的可頌。你可以在裡面加蛋、九層塔、火腿等等。(After buying a scallion pancake and taking a bite…)
(買了個蔥油餅並吃了一口之後…)Linda: It's very crispy but a little bit greasy. What do you recommend I drink with this?
Linda:吃起來很酥脆但有點油膩。你有推薦什麼好喝的嗎?Annie: Many foreigners love pearl milk tea. But if you want to quench your thirst, I think lemon aiyu jelly is the best! The texture of aiyu jelly is quite smooth and soft. It's made from the seeds of a plant in the fig family.
Annie:很多外國人都喜歡珍珠奶茶。但如果你想要止渴,我最推薦檸檬愛玉。愛玉的口感相當柔軟滑順,它是用一種無花果科的籽做成的。Linda: I've tried pearl milk tea in France. After all, its popularity has spread all over the world. So, this time I'd like to try aiyu jelly! Then, where's our next stop?
Linda:我在法國有喝過珍珠奶茶,畢竟它已經從台灣紅遍全球了。所以這次我想喝喝看愛玉!那我們下一站要去哪?Annie: I remember that you love seafood. Maybe you can try an oyster omelet. It's typically made from eggs, flour, and potato starch, then it is usually topped with a mildly spicy and salty sauce.
Annie:我記得你喜歡吃海鮮,或許你可以試試蚵仔煎,那個「煎」是用蛋、麵粉和太白粉做成的,上面通常會淋上有點辣又有點鹹的醬汁。Linda: I love oysters! I'll get three oyster omelets… wait! What’s that odor? It smells like rotten garbage or smelly feet.
Linda:我超愛蚵仔!我要來三份蚵仔煎…等等!那是什麼臭味啊?聞起來像腐敗的垃圾又像腳臭味。Annie: Hahaha, it's one of the most notorious dishes in Taiwan, called stinky tofu. It smells bad because it's fermented, just like blue cheese. It's crispy on the outside and tender on the inside. You can hold your nose and give it a try!
Annie:哈哈哈,這是台灣最惡名昭彰的食物之一,叫臭豆腐。它聞起來臭是因為它有發酵過,就像藍紋乳酪一樣。它吃來外酥內軟,你可以捏著鼻子吃吃看!Linda: Ok… I think a tiny bite is enough for me.