
2022-05-30 00:00

? 人氣

We’ve also deepened our alignment across the Atlantic.  We launched the U.S.-EU Trade and Technology Council last year, marshaling the combined weight of nearly 50 percent of the world’s GDP.  Last week, I joined Secretary Raimondo, Ambassador Tai, and our European Commission counterparts for our second meeting to work together on new technology standards, coordinate on investment screening and export controls, strengthen supply chains, boost green tech, and improve food security and digital infrastructure in developing countries.

我們還加深了橫跨大西洋的聯盟。我們去年成立了美國-歐盟貿易與技術理事會,GDP總量接近全世界的50% 。我上週與商務部長雷蒙多、貿易代表戴琦以及歐盟執委會的對等官員一起參加了我們的第二次會議,共同制定新的技術標準、協調投資審查與出口管制、加強供應鏈、推動綠色技術、改善發展中國家的糧食安全與數位基礎建設。

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Meanwhile, we and our European partners set aside 17 years of litigation about aircraft;now, instead of arguing with each other, we’re working to secure a level playing field for our companies and workers in that sector.


Similarly, we worked with the European Union and others to resolve a dispute on steel and aluminum imports, and now we’re coming together around a shared vision on higher climate standards and protecting our workers and industries from Beijing’s deliberate efforts to distort the market to its advantage. We’re partnering with the European Union to protect our citizens’ privacy while strengthening a shared digital economy that depends on vast flows of data.




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