價格很貴英文,別說成「The price is expensive」!老外聽到超困惑,正確說法曝

2024-08-24 09:50

? 人氣



[啟動LINE推播] 每日重大新聞通知

costly 昂貴的

它是 expensive 的同義字喔。

It’s costly to travel to Europe.(去歐洲旅行是非常貴的。)

high-priced/high-cost 貴的、高價的

它也是 expensive 的同義字,所以同樣是用來修飾物品的喔!
Demand for high-priced jewelry has decreased recently.(最近對高價珠寶的需求已漸漸降低。)

inflated/steep 價格過高的、不合理的

這兩個字是用來修飾 price 的喔,所以除了前面說的 high 以外,你還可以用這兩個字。

The steep price of their service is not worth it.(他們過高價格的服務根本不值得。)

The price of the milk tea at this shop is inflated, but because of its popularity, many girls still buy it and check in on Instagram.(這間店的奶茶價格很不合理,但因為它的人氣,許多女孩仍然會買它並且在 Instagram 上打卡。)

reasonable 價格合理的、公道的

這個字一樣是用來修飾 price 的。

The prices aren’t reasonable at this store. Everything here costs a fortune!(這間店的價格都不合理。這裡每樣東西都要花好多錢!)

low-priced/low-cost 便宜的

這個字就是 cheap 的同義字囉,所以是用來修飾物品的。

My mom likes to shop sales and clearances. There are many low-priced but good-quality products to buy.(我媽媽喜歡買拍賣及清倉物品。有許多低價但品質不錯的商品可以買。)

inexpensive 不昂貴的


The food at this restaurant is tasty and inexpensive, so my boyfriend and I really like to hang out here.(這間餐廳的食物很好吃而且又不貴,所以我男友跟我真的很喜歡來這裡。)

本文經授權轉載自希平方-看YouTube學英文(原標題:expensive 不能修飾 price?別再用台式英文啦~)


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