once in a blue moon
根據目前最通俗的定義,這裡的 blue moon 不是指藍色的月亮,而是一種天文現象--同一個月出現的第二次滿月,每 32 個月發生一次。因此延伸出「少有地、罕見地、千載難逢地」的意思。
Adam is not a social person; he shows up to a party once in a blue moon.(Adam 不熱衷社交;他很少出席派對活動。)
come back (down) to earth
字面意思是「請回到地球吧」,也就是指「從幻想中醒來、回到現實」的意思。類似的表達法還有像是 bring someone back (down) to earth,意思是「將某人帶回現實」。
Alex loves to daydream; it's difficult to bring him back down to earth.(Alex 喜歡做白日夢;很難將他帶回現實。)
而形容詞 down-to-earth 則有「實際的、務實的」的意思,例如:
Daniel is the most sincere and down-to-earth guy I've ever met.(Daniel 是我遇過最真摯、最務實的男生了。)
be living on another planet
Anderson has absolutely no idea what we're talking about. He seems to be living on another planet.(Anderson 完全不知道我們在說什麼。他像是生活在另一個星球。)
everything under the sun
Nicky had tried everything under the sun, but his wife just wouldn't take him back.(Nicky 用盡一切方法,但他太太就是不願意跟他重歸於好。)
center of someone's universe
Cindy said she would do everything for her kids. It's obvious that her kids are the center of her universe.(Cindy 說她會為孩子做任何事。顯然,她的孩子就是她生命中最重要的部分。)
本文經授權轉載自希平方-看YouTube學英文(原標題:和宇宙有關的表達法--once in a blue moon 是什麼意思?)