
2020-11-24 12:21

? 人氣

Contrary to media reports and insinuations, my decision was not made out of fear or favoritism. Instead, I strongly believe that the statute requires that the GSA Administrator ascertain, not impose, the apparent president-elect. Unfortunately, the statute provides no procedures or standards for this process, so I looked to precedent from prior elections involving legal challenges and incomplete counts. GSA does not dictate the outcome of legal disputes and recounts, nor does it determine whether such proceedings are reasonable or justified. These are issues that the Constitution, federal laws, and state laws leave to the election certification process and decisions by courts of competent jurisdiction. I do not think that an agency charged with improving federal procurement and property management should place itself above the constitutionally-based election process. I strongly urge Congress to consider amendments to the Act.

與媒體的報導與影射相反,我的決定並非出於恐懼或偏袒。毋寧說,我堅信該法要求GSA署長確認(ascertain)而非強加(impose)顯然的總統當選人。 不幸的是,該法並未對此過程提供任何程序或標準,因此我從過去的選舉中尋找先例,包括那些涉及法律挑戰和未能完整計票的狀況。 GSA不會決定法律爭議與重新計票的結果,以及此類訴訟是否合理或者正當。 這些是憲法、聯邦法律和州法留給選票認證程序以及具有管轄權的法院去判決的問題。 我認為負責改善聯邦採購與財產管理的機關,不該將自己置於憲法所規範的選舉程序之上。 我強烈敦促國會考慮對《總統交接法》進行修正。




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