• 重大快訊


2020-06-29 10:28

? 人氣




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跟著 Della 一起進行英文面試特訓,輕鬆應對面試官的難題!

社會新鮮人 Della 在準備面試時遇到了困難,便去找姊姊 Sylvia 特訓。

Sylvia: Okay, begin by introducing yourself.
Sylvia: 好,妳來自我介紹一下吧。

Della: Good morning, my name is Della. I live with my parents and sister. I majored in graphic design. I’m a friendly and caring person…
Della: 早安,我叫 Della,我跟父母還有姐姐同住。我主修平面設計,我很友善、有愛心…

Sylvia: Stop, stop, stop! You’re putting me to sleep. Far too dull!
Sylvia: 停!別再說了!我都快睡著了。太無聊了!

Della: Then how to introduce myself?
Della: 那我要怎麼介紹自己?

Sylvia: You should cut to the chase. Tell the interviewers your know-how and the projects you’ve participated in.
Sylvia: 妳應該要直接切入重點,告訴面試官妳的專業技能跟妳參與過的專案。

Della: So… just tell them I designed posters when I was in the college club?
Della: 所以就跟他們說我大學時有幫社團設計海報這樣?

Sylvia: You can elaborate. How did you work with your team? How did you negotiate with others? One of the interviewers’ biggest concerns is what soft skills you have.
Sylvia: 妳可以多加詳述,像是妳如何跟妳的團隊合作、如何跟他人協商。面試官最看中的其中一點就是妳的軟實力。

Della: Got it. How about connecting my experience with the position I am applying for?
Della: 嗯…了解,那如果我把自身經驗跟我要應徵的工作做連結呢?

Sylvia: Even better!
Sylvia: 那就更棒了!

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