3. The job was just a one-off.
再來學一個好用的字one-off,在職場上經常用到,卻不容易想起的英文字。One-off是指一次性,非常態性的活動。例如一次性的買賣,是one-off deal;一次性的工作,是one-off job;一次性的付款叫one-off payment。來看幾個例句,熟悉用法:
It was just a one-off job. I don't think there will be any more.
這只是一次性的工作,我想之後應該沒有了。Will you be doing more talks in the future or was that just a one-off?
你以後還要作多次的講話還是只此一次?They gave him a one-off payment to compensate for the extra hours that he had to work.
本文/圖經授權轉載自世界公民文化中心(原標題:在Line上“+1”,英文不要說"Plus one"!)