身邊的人若正經歷失去親人朋友、身體病痛,或是你只是純粹想表達你的支持,除了"I'm sorry to hear about that."英文裡經常會用"loss"、"sad news"來取代"death"、"die"這樣直接的字眼,千萬別哪壺不開提哪壺,問候對方的家人"How are you doing?",甚至要對方"moving on"。要怎麼開口?可以提什麼?有幾個重點單字可以參考。
1. I am writing to express my sincere condolences on the death of your (husband/wife/mother…)來信給(某人)獻上最誠摯的慰問
2. Please accept our deepest sympathies.(請接受我們最深切的慰問。)
用Loss、sad news取代death、die
3. I was so sorry to hear about your loss/the sad news about your sister.(我很抱歉得知你的喪失/你姐姐的逝世。)
提及與對方的美好回憶:wonderful memories
4. I have so many wonderful memories of your brother.(我和你哥哥有很多很好的回憶。)
5. Your dad was such a nice teacher/was always kind to me.(你爸爸生前是一個很好的老師/對我很好。)
6. I can't imagine how you must feel.(我不能想像你的感受。)
7. It's never easy to lose a parent.(失去父母很煎熬。)
8. We are here to support you.(我們都會支持你。)
9. This must be so hard for you.(這事你一定很難熬。)
10. We are thinking of you/You are in my thoughts.(我/我們很關心你。)